Ian NV4C and his team hold test sessions on the second Saturday of each month at Slope's BBQ, 34 E Crossville Road (Highway 92), Roswell, GA 30075.
The rules that have been in place since we resumed testing under COVID-19 will stay in place.
Masking guidelines. We are now following the current CDC masking guidelines.
- Masks are optional for anyone who is fully vaccinated (had both shots, at least two weeks since the second shot)
- Masks required for anyone not fully vaccinated
Upcoming test dates for 2025 include:
- February 8th
- March 8th
- April 12th
- May 10th
- June 14th
- July 12th
- August 9th
- September 13th
- October 11th
- November 8th
- December 13th
Next Test Session Details
- Time - 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
* Location - Slope's BBQ, 34 E Crossville Road, Roswell, GA 30075
* Registration Opens - Wednesday, 5:00 PM ten days prior to the test session. No early registrations accepted.
* Registration Closes - Wednesday, 11:59 PM three days prior to the test session. No late registrations accepted. - Registration required, via email only, to Ian Kahn, NV4C, at nv4c.ian@gmail.com
- The test session will be open to 20 candidates.
- Cost. Cash only, exact change preferred. No checks, no credit / debit cards.
- Age 18 and over: $15
- Under age 18: $5 regardless of exam level taken per the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program. Proof of under 18 status is required at the session. See more details at http://www.arrl.org/youth-licensing-grant-program.
- The FCC no longer accepts social security numbers on paperwork. All test candidates MUST register for, and bring to the test session, an FCC Registration Number (FRN). Anyone arriving without an FRN will not be allowed to test.
- Contact Ian at nv4c.ian@gmail.com or 404-626-1566 with any other questions.
More Details
- Please pre-register with the FCC for an FCC Registraton Number at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do
- Please pre-fill and bring the NCVEC Quick Form 605, found at http://www.arrl.org/files/file/VEs/NCVEC_Form_605_July_2022_INTERACTIVE.pdf
- Please also bring the following:
- Government-issued photo ID
- Pen and pencil
- If upgrading, copy of current license
- Calculator (as stand-alone device) if you want to use one
Candidates must be ON TIME for the exam session. We must ensure we can complete the session by 9:00 AM. This includes finishing paperwork and cleaning up. Candidates more than 15 minutes late will NOT be admitted.
Test dates are also listed on our Activities Calendar.
Test sessions take place regardless of other activities taking place on a test day.
Drop Ian NV4C an email at nv4c@nfarl.org to participate as a volunteer examiner, or for more information.
As of 2019, an FCC Registration Number (FRN) is required to take a license test. If you do not already have an FRN, you may register for one at the Commission Registration System (CORES) web page. The CORES registration page is located at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do.
The CORES registration process is a two step process:
- The first step is to register for the CORES system. This is a new requirement as of March 1, 2019.
- After you are registered for the CORES System:
- If you do not have an FCC Registration Number (FRN), you must register for one. This is the number you must bring to the test site in order to be tested.
- If you already have an FRN, you must associate your existing FRN with your new CORES Registration ID.
All amateur license candidates are required to bring the following to the exam session:
- A government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, military ID, etc)*
- Federal Registration Number (FRN). FRNs may be obtained by registering on the FCC's web site as described above.
- $15 exam fee – cash only
- Pen and pencil
- Calculator, if desired.
- All memories must be cleared.
- Calculators on cell phones, tablets, or other mobile devices are not allowed. The calculator must be its own separate device, with no Internet access.
- If testing for an upgrade, you must bring a copy of a current license or CSCE with you to the exam session. We do not have the ability to look up, download, and print licenses at the test site.
- If you were first licensed after 17 February 2015 and don't have a paper license, an official one may be printed from the FCC's web site at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls.
*Note – Non-driving minors, or adults without a photo ID, may provide any two of the following in lieu of the above-mentioned photo IDs, if they don't have one:
- Non-photo state ID card
- Birth certificate
- Social security card
- Library card
- School ID
- Report card
- Minor's work permit
- Parent may come with minor and show ID
- For adults without photo ID – utllity bill, bank statement, or other business correspondence that specifically names the candidate
- For adults without photo ID – a postmarked envelope addressed to the candidate at his/her current mailing address, as it will appear on the Form 605
Arrive at the exam site at least 15 minutes before the exam is scheduled to start. This will allow time to complete test-related paperwork.
Special arrangements may be made for special testing cases.
Please keep in mind that the exam team members are volunteers and are donating their time to help you obtain your license. They make every effort to be professional and efficient in the exam process, but they ARE volunteers. We are blessed with more frequent test sessions here in Atlanta than probably anywhere else in the country, so a lot of folks are putting in their time. We enjoy doing it, but an occasional "thanks" makes it that much more enjoyable.
We look forward to seeing you at the test sessions!