Emergency Coordinator
AJ4RJ - Robert Achtenberg– nfares.ec@gmail.com
District Emergency Coordinator
KT4LS – Lee Stone – sec@gaares.org
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications, equipment and time for communication duties for public service or when disaster strikes.

Field Day Activity

D-Star at Field Day

FLDIGI Digital Mode
North Fulton Amateur Radio League supports and endorses membership in the North Fulton ARES group. We are fortunate to have them as an affiliated organization. The services they provide to our communities are invaluable when an emergency strikes. Please consider joining and becoming active in the North Fulton Amateur Radio Emergency Service group!
Learn more about the North Fulton Amateur Radio Emergency Service (NFARES) at their web page http://www.nfares.org or their groups.io Group https://groups.io/g/NFARES.
A weekly net is held on Sunday evenings at 8:30 PM to practice our skills. Note that all NFARES meetings will be held via Zoom until further notice. Invitations with meeting credentials will be sent via our groups.io reflector. When our net meetings resume we will meet at:
- 147.060 (+) PL 100 Hz
- 145.470 (-) PL 100 Hz (Alternate repeater)
- EchoLink N4SBD-R, Node: 522043
- You can download the Net Log Template here: Net Log Template
For a more comprehensive review of Georgia ARES activities go to the Georgia Section web page at https://www.gaares.org.
You can learn more about the national ARES organization at the ARRL ARES page at http://www.arrl.org/ares.

Emergency Vehicles

Emergency Go Kit

FLDIGI Digital Mode