AE4CW teaching at JOTA 2008

JOTA 2008

JOTA 2008 StudentNFARL hosted a Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) station on Saturday, Oct. 18 with about 20 members and 20 Scouts attending.  The special event callsign W4S was obtained and nearly 100 QSOs were made.  Three "stations" were in operation - HF, 2M with Echolink, and a "pure" Echolink station from a computer.  It was a gorgeous day, but a chilly 50 degrees to start.  In addition, a Radio Merit Badge class for Boy Scouts was held with 12 attending.  The class was taught by AE4CW, AK4IK, KB7WO and W4QO.  10 scouts passed at the class with the others having some work to complete at a later time.  Eight Cub Scouts attended and enjoyed trying their hand at Morse code and also participating in a Fox Hunt with W4AX serving as the fox (naturally).  Operation started at 6:30 AM with N4CLA holding our spot in the shelter and wrapped up about 2:30 after a sandwich lunch by KC4YBO was enjoyed by all.  Others assisting were K4WIT, KU4MT, WD4ON, W2FMU, KJ4GAM, KI4SGU, KJ4HBZ, KJ4HCA, KJ4DYR, and K4ZF.

Click here to see pictures from JOTA.

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