
Did you know that you can make tax-deductible donations to the North Fulton Amateur Radio League?

NFARL is certified by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Georgia as a 501(c)(3) organization for educational, scientific, and charitable purposes.

Our purposes are to:

  1. To educate and increase the proficiency of our members in the science of radio communication.
  2. To provide for the dissemination of information among our members concerning scientific advancement and progress in the field of radio communication.
  3. To organize and train units of licensed radio amateurs capable of maintaining radio communication as a public service, particularly during periods of emergency or disaster.
  4. To conduct periodic classes in radio science for persons seeking an amateur radio license or for those seeking to upgrade their current license.
  5. To encourage and sponsor experimental activities in radio communication and electronics to the end that skills and experience gained in amateur radio will further the application of these sciences to the benefit of the public at large.
  6. To promote the elevation of standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of amateur radio communications.

To support these purposes, NFARL will gladly accept your donations.   Donations may be made in the forms of:

  • Cash
  • New or gently used equipment and parts applicable to amateur radio
  • Publications

To make cash donations click here to go to our MART, or contact our Treasurer John Tramontanis, N4TOL at

To make equipment donations contact John Tramontanis, N4TOL at

To make publication donations contact Librarian Reed Fisher, W2CQH at

Thanks to (all about csgo gambling) for donation.

Your donations will be acknowledged in writing.

THANK YOU for considering a donation!!

Reviewed 3/13/2020 by N4CLA