Mack’s Thank You for 2009

By Mack, W4AX This has been a phenomenal year for the North Fulton Amateur Radio League.  The club’s continued success is due to our great members.  We’re now at over 260 active members, our treasury has grown 16 fold in the past three years, and we’re a Federally recognized 501(c)3 charity.  All of these accomplishments are due to the hard work and dedication you bring to the club.  The club’s board members, Walt KJ4HE, Fred N4CLA, Shelia KD4NKE, Mike W5JR, Ian AK4IK, Jim W4QO, and Tom W4UOC have all brought exceptional leadership and guidance to the club.  The path charted […]

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NFARL September, 2009 Meeting

HF Antennas for HF Beginners

by Jim, K4DLI and Dave, W7FB A presentation at the September 2009 NFARL Meeting. The presenters graciously made their presentation materials available for download. Click the links below to download the materials. Presentation slides (1.6mb PDF file) Power Transfer and Conjugate Match notes (PDF file) Power Transfer Worksheet (Excel spreadsheet) Thanks to Jim and Dave for a very informative presentation!

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Lu Conti & W4QO at Roswell Library

NFARL Supports North Fulton Libraries

NFARL is a long-time supporter of the North Fulton libraries; many of the ham radio books available in libraries in the areas served by our club were contributed by NFARL in years past. Early in 2009 our executive team surveyed the North Fulton libraries and discovered that the books on hand at all of the branches needed to be updated.  The Joule Thief project was commissioned to fund the books.  The books have been purchased, and delivery to the five North Fulton libraries has been completed. Following are pictures from the presentations at each of the five libraries. Jim, W4QO […]

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Jim, W4QO and some of our Hams Helping Hams Award recipients

2008 Christmas Party

It was great to see 85 festive hams gathered at the Southern Skillet December 16 for a wonderful celebration of the Christmas season and a successful year in ham radio.   The party’s theme was “country hams”, and the pictures confirm that most dressed the part.  Click here to see more pictures of the event. After lots of visiting & eating (the feast put out by Southern Skillet was delicious), head snake charmer Jim, W4QO called the assemblage to order.  After a few introductory remarks, he recognized recipients of the Hams Helping Hams award.  These went to club members who during 2008 […]

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2008 Lawrenceville Hamfest

2008 Stone Mountain HamFest

The Stone Mountain Hamfest & Computer Expo took place November 1 & 2 at the Lawrenceville-Gwinnett County Fairgrounds. In addition to vendor exhibits, flea market, tailgate market, VE testing, and boneyard, the Hamfest featured a youth lounge (all day both days) and a Youth Forum Saturday at noon in the main forum room. Almost a dozen of us (see participants in the photo at the top of the page) started the day with the very informative boneyard tour led by Jim, W4QO & Mack, W4AX.  I’ve spent a lot of time with them, but was still amazed at their knowledge […]

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AE4CW teaching at JOTA 2008

JOTA 2008

NFARL hosted a Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) station on Saturday, Oct. 18 with about 20 members and 20 Scouts attending.  The special event callsign W4S was obtained and nearly 100 QSOs were made.  Three “stations” were in operation – HF, 2M with Echolink, and a “pure” Echolink station from a computer.  It was a gorgeous day, but a chilly 50 degrees to start.  In addition, a Radio Merit Badge class for Boy Scouts was held with 12 attending.  The class was taught by AE4CW, AK4IK, KB7WO and W4QO.  10 scouts passed at the class with the others having some […]

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