Your Opportunity to Contribute to Our Community Click here to see our club activity calendar, and the next Public Service opportunity. NFARL is known for our emphasis on public service. Our members support 10 – 15 events annually. Examples of public service activities in which we have recently been involved include: Sandy Springs Communications Center Cutover Atlanta Marathon and Half Marathon Georgia Publix Marathon Peachtree Road Race Ga 400 Hospitality Highway Bike Ride Special Olympic Georgia Summer Games Sandy Springs Challenge Sandy Springs Lantern Parade International Day at the Johns Creek Northeast / Spruill Oaks Library TechFest and HamFests Halloween […]
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NFARL 45th Anniversary
Now that the Georgia QSO Party is behind us, our next event will be our 45th Birthday Celebration and US Islands One Day Getaway event on May 14. This will be at West Bank Park at Lake Lanier. This is a special operating event, listed in QST magazine. We will be operating under the club call sign, NF4GA. This will be a great opportunity to show off your portable gear and operating techniques and share information as well as operate and compare equipment. We’d love to see all our SOTA/POTA ops. This is not just an operating event. This is more […]
Continue reading“Highlights” is a New Feature
This section of our web site features articles about special events that are part of our club’s history. It will replace our Archive page. Articles posted here will each be associated with categories (broad groupings) and tags (more specific descriptions). Lists of categories and tags associated with articles are displayed below the sidebar menu to the right on the main Highlights page. The lists include links that you can use to search for articles associated with that category or tag. When reading an article, its categories and tags are listed below the article. To view other articles with one of […]
Continue readingWhat NFARL Accomplished in 2014
By Neil, N4FN and the Executive Committee Satellite SIG – 10 to 12 folks participated – built handheld satellite antennas CW SIG – 17 folks participated – several learned CW – SIG met 3 times a week CW on repeater + CW tests. GA QSO Party – About 25 members participated and we won gavel for 5th time! Field Day – many hard working leaders – 256 participants, #1 nationally – highest NFARL score ever – every bonus point available was earned this year for the first time – 12,300 points! 5th place nationally out of 316 entries – 1st place in SE Division. […]
Continue readingNFARL DXCC
A 2011 Club Team Event Click here to jump to the list of confirmed countries. Objective In a club / team effort for all operators, club members successfully worked to obtain (through LoTW) a DXCC certificate for the club call NF4GA during calendar year 2011. Process Club members should identity as best they can, DX stations that confirm via LoTW and work them using NF4GA on any band / any mode. Remember that you may only use YOUR PRIVILEGES as to band segments. Only stations you feel will use LoTW should be worked. Check to see if a potential contact’s […]
Continue readingTransmitter Hunting Presentation
by Mike Roden, W5JR Presented at the April 19, 2011 NFARL Meeting. Click here to download a PDF file containing Mike’s slides.
Continue readingA Brief History of the North Fulton Amateur Radio League for 2010
by Chuck Catledge, AE4CW NFARL kicked off the year at the GARS TechFest with a demonstration of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) soldering techniques led by Mack, W4AX. TechFest attendees were able to try it for themselves and discovered that it’s not so hard after all! Special Interest Groups (SIGS) played a big role for NFARL in 2010. The CW SIG led by Jim, W4QO, the Antenna SIG lead by Wes, W3WL and Chuck, AE4CW and the Kit Building SIG led by Mack, W4AX all gathered a large and eager group of Hams ready to expand their technical skills. The monthly […]
Continue readingHamvention 2010
May 14 – 16 Dayton, Ohio Sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association [Hamvention photos, by Frances AJ4JQ, can be viewed in the NFARL 2010 Photo Album.] We hope to see a lot of NFARL folks in Dayton. If you have not been to a Hamvention, you should go. It’s by far the largest hamfest in the nation; you will see more vendors there than at any other other gathering of ham radio enthusiasts in the country — likely larger than any other in the world! This year, you have two special reasons to attend Hamvention. NFARL has been awarded […]
Continue readingBlue Lightning Presentation
by Hal, N4GG April 20, 2010 Photos from Hal, N4GG’s King Spark presentation at our April, 2010 meeting are in the 2010 NFARL Photo Album.
Continue readingFebruary 2010 Meeting
by Jim and Shelly, AB1CD and AB2CD Jim and Shelly used their magician’s kit and their knowledge of science to enlighten our youth in a very entertaining way. We suspect our “older youth” found it entertaining and informative too. Click here to see photos of the meeting in our gallery.
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