Items from Gary Bush, W6GB’s estate are now being offered for sale to the ham community. The sale is being handled for Gary’s family by North Fulton Amateur Radio League. Bidding will open to those who are willing to expeditiously pay and pick up item(s) in Roswell, Georgia. All sales cash only. No checks please. Some smaller items may be considered for shipping. E-payment fees, packing and postage costs will be added to final sale price. Items sold as is, mostly untested – please feel free to inquire about the items and we will do our best to provide additional info. The […]
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W4QO Estate Sale
In December of 2021, we lost a dear friend and a great man, Jim Stafford, W4QO. Words here cannot describe what a fine gentleman Jim was, and the far reaching and positive impact he had on the local and national amateur radio community. Items from Jim’s estate are now being offered for sale to the local ham community. Bidding will open to those who are willing to expeditiously pay and pick up item(s) in Roswell, Georgia. All sales cash only. No checks please. Some smaller items may be considered for shipping. E-payment fees, packing and postage costs will be added to final […]
Continue readingARRL Book: Getting Started with Ham Radio
Get on the air now! A guide to your first amateur Radio station. Select radios and antennas. Explore operating modes: voice, Morse code, digital and more. Assemble your station. Have your license? Get radio-active! Now you can get on the air with confidence. Here, in one place, is help getting started in just about any ham radio activity. Contents: Your First Radio. Advice on choosing a transceiver and power supply that fits your budget and operating style. The Antenna–The Most Important Part of Your Station. Practical information to help you choose and install economical, yet effective, antennas. Propagation–The Science of […]
Continue readingObituary to Our Founding Fathers
By Jim Stafford, W4QO Coverage of the lives of our ARRL president and vice president from the pages of April 1936 QST magazine. It will have some things you “did not know”. More …
Continue reading100+ Things To Do in Ham Radio
Have fun with Ham Radio doing these things Action or Activity Comment 2M SSB or CW Working the “weak signal” bands can be fun! 6M – what a great band! Operate the “magic” band on SSB or FM 10M – This band can really jump Join 10-10 international and KEEP THE BAND OPEN! 75 Meter Roundtables Sometime called the groan and moan nets! 160M – Get on the band The Gentleman’s Band – May need a different antenna AM – Operate this “old time” mode Join the AM net each Wednesday AMSAT – Join and work the universe Operate one […]
Continue readingEMCAR
by Bob Freeman, KI4SBL SK EMCAR is the Enhanced Machine Controller-based Antenna Range. This set of codes and documentation is intended to assist the interested party in setting up an automated antenna measurement capability (i.e. Antenna Range) using non-specialized hardware and free software. more …
Continue readingIt’s Midnight. Do You Know Where Your Radios Are?
By Tim, WK4U Article 5 in a series of 5 While it’s midnight here in Atlanta, it’s only 9pm on the West coast. Many folks are still awake in North America. Some stations are still broadcasting our way. Maybe favoring the “left” side if possible. It’s an interesting time. Not too many people to broadcast in their evening hours right now. Use any gray line program to see for yourself. Many broadcasts are either domestic, North American, or mostly towards Eastern Africa and the Middle East right now. So Tim, if I’m up this late, what are some of the […]
Continue readingIt’s Getting Dark for Shortwave in Atlanta! – 8pm
By Tim, WK4U Article 4 in a series of 5 The gray line, also known as the terminator (I’ll be baaack) is practically here. Do you know we can use the gray line to communicate (or hear other stations) much easier than normal? When it’s dusk here in Atlanta (in August), you can make contact with stations in Southern Greenland, Northern Scandinavia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Western India quite easily. Load any gray line program on your computer to see for yourself. By the way, if you’re an aspiring SWL or ham DX’er, you’ll use the gray line often. Sometimes twice […]
Continue readingWelcome to the WORST Time for Short Wave Listening!
By Tim Lemmon, WK4U Article 3 in a series of 5 Yep, 4pm is probably the worst time to hear broadcast stations on short wave. Even worse than lunch time! Some of the North American pirate radio stations start broadcasting about this time. More common a little later in the evening. Especially on weekends and holidays. 6925 USB is still best, but a somewhat active secondary frequency is 6850 (USB or AM). Try them both! Right now (at 4pm local) the grayline curve is hovering over Sweeden, Southern England, France and Spain – headed our way. We still have 4-5 […]
Continue readingIs There DX at Lunch Time? — You Betcha!
By Tim Lemmon, WK4U Article 2 in a series of 5 People ask, is it possible to hear anything interesting on short wave radio at lunchtime? Does short wave radio even work during the daytime? Actually yes and yes. Lunch time is about the worst time to hear programming material on short wave radio. Why? Because world-wide broadcasters are beaming their signals to parts of the world that are currently in their evening hours. The thought is more people listen at home after work. They don’t listen as much during the day. Especially at lunch time. But can we hear […]
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