2019 US Islands QSO Party and Club Picnic

by Bob Hensey, K4VBM NFARL members and guests gathered at Lake Lanier’s Mary Alice Island on August 24th to compete in the US Islands QSO Party and celebrate summer with a club picnic. The day started out in a gorgeous fashion. The early birds set up the stations, the beam, dipole and several canopies. Another canopy was set up over the picnic table for all the goodies. The US Islands and US flag were added and proudly waved in the breeze. Early on QSOs were coming in nicely with some nice rotation between SSB, CW, and digital. VBM arrived with […]

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US Islands 2019 Activities

By Bob Hensey, K4VBM US Islands 25th Anniversary Award The US Islands (USI) Award Program celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and is offering commemorative awards for both chasers and activators for contacts made between January 1 and December 31.  Information about the Anniversary Award Program is available on the US Islands web site. [Note that as of January 1, 2019 the USI qualification rules have changed. The new rules are described on the US Islands web site’s home page in the right hand column.] The 25th Anniversary Award Program is not limited to Georgia islands.  Information about all US islands […]

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US Islands 2019 Activities

US Islands 25th Anniversary Award The US Islands (USI) Award Program celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and is offering commemorative awards for both chasers and activators for contacts made between January 1 and December 31.  Information about the Anniversary Award Program is available on the US Islands web site. [Note that as of January 1, 2019 the USI qualification rules have changed. The new rules are described on the US Islands web site’s home page in the right hand column.] The 25th Anniversary Award Program is not limited to Georgia islands.  Information about all US islands that have been qualified […]

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40th Anniversary US Islands Contest

40th Anniversary US Islands Contest

By Terry, W4YBV We have devised a NFARL US Islands contest that will last throughout our 40th Anniversary Year! This is a year long event similar to the 2016 NPOTA program. It will operate under US Islands Awards Program rules and NFARL’s 40th Anniversary Contest rules. Contest participants will earn points by making contacts with any US Islands Awards Program operation, or by activating a new or existing US Islands island using the club call sign NF4GA. Note that all NF4GA QSOs also count toward USI awards. The club goal is to activate 40 US Islands using our club call, NF4GA, during our […]

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Schools & Teachers

“RadioActivity” is a good thing! Teachers – You can use Amateur Radio as a tool to enhance science, math, and language programs in your school! NFARL members are available to come to your school demonstrating amateur radio and it’s use as a tool for teaching.  If you have a special day, schedule us to help you out.    We also have equipment to loan to schools, helping you set up your own radio station for education and FUN! Radio Day = A team (3 to 5) of club members is available to go to North Georgia schools (Grades 5 and higher) […]

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