2024 GA State POTA Event NFARL will compete against other Georgia clubs in the 2024 Georgia State Parks on the Air event, April 6 & 7, 2024. Click here for more information about the event. Additional information about POTA is also available on our POTA SOTA Central web page located at Background For the past few years, the Colquitt County ARS has sponsored a friendly Parks on the Air competition between ham radio clubs. In 2023, that event is expanded to a state-wide activity.  It was a fun event where NFARL put together a few hams and did well up against other […]

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Georgia 2024 QSO Party

The 2024 Georgia QSO Party will be held on April 13th and April 14th with two operating periods:  1800Z Saturday (2:00 pm EDST Saturday) until 0359Z Sunday (11:59 pm EDST Saturday) and 1400Z Sunday (10:00 am EDST Sunday) to 2359Z Sunday (7:59 pm EDST Sunday). All NFARL members and friends are encouraged to participate in the GQP in 2024.  This is your chance to “be the DX.”  It is a real opportunity to practice “running,” calling CQ and letting other stations come to you.  It is also a chance to test your station’s effectiveness under contest conditions and help to […]

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2024 Holiday Party

The North Fulton Amateur Radio League warmly invites you and your guests to join our 2024 Holiday Celebration! Event Details: Date: Saturday, December 7th, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Preston Ridge Community Center 3655 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100 Alpharetta, GA 30005 We ask that each attendee brings a new, unwrapped toy in original packaging to be donated to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, spreading holiday cheer to children in need. Reservations: Advance reservations are required by 6:00 PM on December 2nd. Dinner tickets are available for $20 each and can be purchased in our Mart. Evening Highlights: Exciting prize drawings […]

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US Islands One Day Getaway & Picnic 2024

NFARL Continues the Picnic Tradition The U.S. Islands Awards Program is an amateur radio award program centered around chasing and activating river, lake, and ocean shore islands within the 50 United States and its Territories and Protectorates. U.S. Islands is a great way to go on a mini-DXpedition without spending a lot of money. Discovering islands in your own backyard and setting up a station outdoors is always a good time. Every year USI conducts two operating activities; their One-Day-Geta way(1DG) and their W/VE Island QSO Party. As a club, NFARL participates in both of these events (we’ve got a […]

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NFARL Mini HamFest

NFARL will have a mini Hamfest for our September 20th club meeting at our normal meeting location at Preston Ridge Community Center, 3655 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100, Alpharetta, GA 30005. This will be an indoor event – air conditioning and no rain!!  Meeting room doors will open at 6:00 pm so participants can start getting set up. You must be a NFARL member to reserve a free table and sell items.  Tables will be provided for those that reserve them. We will also have shared tables for those of us who have a few items but not enough for an […]

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NFARL Promotes Youth

Youth Incentive Program NFARL supports activities for our YOUTH members to encourage them in the hobby. NFARL has for some time offered free YOUTH membership to anyone (licensed or unlicensed) who has not yet turned 21, regardless of family affiliation.  To join, YOUTH must fill out a membership form and indicate that they wish to apply as a YOUTH member. A Youth Member with a valid Amateur Radio License will be allowed to vote in NFARL matters and those without a license will have the rights of an Associate Member. Upon reaching the age of 21, Youth Members must convert their […]

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Ham Cram is a guided self-study course followed by a class or classes that teach everything needed to earn or upgrade an FCC radio amateur license.  We offer Hamcram sessions designed to enable you to earn your first license (technician) or upgrade your technician license to a general license. Our Technician HamCram training regimen includes self-study course preparation materials, fine-tuning your learning with a day in our classroom, followed by testing at our in-house test session the same day. Our General HamCram training regimen is similar to the Technician training approach except that there will be multiple meetings to review […]

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Technician License Training Course Added to ARRL’s YouTube Channel by Dave Bruse, W4DTR 10/20/2021 Thanks to Dave, W4DTR of GARS for letting us know about this offering. Do you know someone wanting to get their Technician License?  The ARRL might just have the answer….. ARRL’s YouTube channel, ARRLHQ, has launched a series of amateur radio Technician-class license courses. This series of videos features Dave Casler, KE0OG, QST’s “Ask Dave” columnist, who leads viewers through The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. These videos supplement the manual and provide an overview of the sections you’ll be studying, along with a few videos […]

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2019 US Island QSO Party

2020 US Islands QSO Party

By Fred Ackley, W4FRA Via email Well the Aug 29, 2020 U.S. Islands Party is over. First, I want to thank the club members who braved all to participate at the West Bank Park Pavilion.  Terry Joyner, W4YBV, came early to set up the two antennas and helped us get underway.  Sam Proctor, KO4BCO, came early and stayed to the bitter end at 7:45 PM.  We were assisted throughout the day by Wayne Garber, KE4WYU, Edith Collins, KN4NDV, and soon to be a NFARL club member Michael Wheable, KC6GPY,   Michael, licensed long ago, is just getting back into the hobby […]

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Jamboree on the Air … JOTA

The 2022 edition of JOTA will take place on October 14 – 16. For more information on JOTA: An example of a previous (2008) NFARL activity supporting JOTA is described here. Volunteers are needed to help Jon with our efforts to support JOTA and scouting.  If you can help please contact Jon K4WIT at Updated 8/25/22 by K4YJJ

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