A Brief History of the North Fulton Amateur Radio League for 2010

by Chuck Catledge, AE4CW NFARL kicked off the year at the GARS TechFest with a demonstration of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) soldering techniques led by Mack, W4AX.  TechFest attendees were able to try it for themselves and discovered that it’s not so hard after all! Special Interest Groups (SIGS) played a big role for NFARL in 2010.   The CW SIG led by Jim, W4QO, the Antenna SIG lead by Wes, W3WL and Chuck, AE4CW and the Kit Building SIG led by Mack, W4AX all gathered a large and eager group of Hams ready to expand their technical skills. The monthly […]

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Hamvention 2010

May 14 – 16 Dayton, Ohio Sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association   [Hamvention photos, by Frances AJ4JQ, can be viewed in the NFARL 2010 Photo Album.] We hope to see a lot of NFARL folks in Dayton.  If you have not been to a Hamvention, you should go.   It’s by far the largest hamfest in the nation; you will see more vendors there than at any other other gathering of ham radio enthusiasts in the country — likely larger than any other in the world! This year, you have two special reasons to attend Hamvention.  NFARL has been awarded […]

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February, 2010 Meeting

February 2010 Meeting

by Jim and Shelly, AB1CD and AB2CD Jim and Shelly used their magician’s kit and their knowledge of science to enlighten our youth in a very entertaining way.  We suspect our “older youth” found it entertaining and informative too. Click here to see photos of the meeting in our gallery.

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Mack’s Thank You for 2009

By Mack, W4AX This has been a phenomenal year for the North Fulton Amateur Radio League.  The club’s continued success is due to our great members.  We’re now at over 260 active members, our treasury has grown 16 fold in the past three years, and we’re a Federally recognized 501(c)3 charity.  All of these accomplishments are due to the hard work and dedication you bring to the club.  The club’s board members, Walt KJ4HE, Fred N4CLA, Shelia KD4NKE, Mike W5JR, Ian AK4IK, Jim W4QO, and Tom W4UOC have all brought exceptional leadership and guidance to the club.  The path charted […]

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NFARL September, 2009 Meeting

HF Antennas for HF Beginners

by Jim, K4DLI and Dave, W7FB A presentation at the September 2009 NFARL Meeting. The presenters graciously made their presentation materials available for download. Click the links below to download the materials. Presentation slides (1.6mb PDF file) Power Transfer and Conjugate Match notes (PDF file) Power Transfer Worksheet (Excel spreadsheet) Thanks to Jim and Dave for a very informative presentation!

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The 40M Extended Double Zepp

By Jim Streible, K4DLI  SK There were many new and somewhat unfamiliar antennas used at this year’s NFARL Field Day. One of these was the one for the CW station. This antenna is basically two 5/8 wave antennas end to end. It can be fed with ladder line from the center insulator to tuner or it can use an impedance transforming length of ladder line to take the impedance to 50 ohms and fed from there to the rig with 50 ohm coax. That would limit it use (without a tuner) to a single band – 40 meters. To make […]

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Joule Thief Kit

Joule Thief Project

Click here to download a PDF file containing instructions for building your Joule Thief. A dozen youth and twenty+ “older youth” participated in our March Mid-Month Madness event. Our warm-up act was kitting 175 Joule Thieves (GT IE students would’ve been proud of our production line balancing techniques); we then advanced to the building phase. Chief kit-builders Mack, W4AX; Jim, W4QO & Wes, W3WL guided us through the realities of kit construction & malfunction diagnosis. In the end, all kit builders successfully created a working Joule Thief. Click here to see pictures of the crew at work.  We hope to see you […]

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