Welcome to the WORST Time for Short Wave Listening!

By Tim Lemmon, WK4U Article 3 in a series of 5 Yep, 4pm is probably the worst time to hear broadcast stations on short wave. Even worse than lunch time! Some of the North American pirate radio stations start broadcasting about this time. More common a little later in the evening. Especially on weekends and holidays. 6925 USB is still best, but a somewhat active secondary frequency is 6850 (USB or AM). Try them both! Right now (at 4pm local) the grayline curve is hovering over Sweeden, Southern England, France and Spain – headed our way. We still have 4-5 […]

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Is There DX at Lunch Time? — You Betcha!

By Tim Lemmon, WK4U Article 2 in a series of 5 People ask, is it possible to hear anything interesting on short wave radio at lunchtime? Does short wave radio even work during the daytime? Actually yes and yes. Lunch time is about the worst time to hear programming material on short wave radio. Why? Because world-wide broadcasters are beaming their signals to parts of the world that are currently in their evening hours. The thought is more people listen at home after work. They don’t listen as much during the day. Especially at lunch time. But can we hear […]

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So You Think Sunspots Are LOW, Listen to This …

By Tim Lemmon, WK4U Article 1 in a series of 5 In the morning, after you eat breakfast, how far can you communicate on 40 meters? How far can you HEAR signals on 7 MHz from Atlanta? 500 miles? 1000 miles?? California maybe??? Probably not that far – right? What if I said you CAN hear signals from thousands of miles away on 7 MHz. Would you believe me? Tune your radio to 7575 in the AM mode (8-10am Atlanta time) and you’ll hear the Voice Of America (VOA) broadcasting to the Far East in their evening hours from … […]

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What NFARL Accomplished in 2014

By Neil, N4FN and the Executive Committee Satellite SIG – 10 to 12 folks participated – built handheld satellite antennas CW SIG – 17 folks participated – several learned CW – SIG met 3 times a week CW on repeater + CW tests. GA QSO Party – About 25 members participated and we won gavel for 5th time! Field Day – many hard working leaders – 256 participants, #1 nationally – highest NFARL score ever – every bonus point available was earned this year for the first time – 12,300 points! 5th place nationally out of 316 entries – 1st place in SE Division. […]

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Schools & Teachers

“RadioActivity” is a good thing! Teachers – You can use Amateur Radio as a tool to enhance science, math, and language programs in your school! NFARL members are available to come to your school demonstrating amateur radio and it’s use as a tool for teaching.  If you have a special day, schedule us to help you out.    We also have equipment to loan to schools, helping you set up your own radio station for education and FUN! Radio Day = A team (3 to 5) of club members is available to go to North Georgia schools (Grades 5 and higher) […]

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Getting Started Work the world on 2 meters using NFARL’s EchoLink Node! EchoLink is a great system for communications between Amateurs.  It combines VoIP technology with RF Gateways to enable global links between computer users and 2 meter radio operators. All a computer user needs is an amateur radio license and a copy of EchoLink on his internet connected personal computer. 2 meter radio operators need a transceiver (mobile, base, or handheld) with a DTMF keypad, and the ability to key up a repeater linked to EchoLink — such as our N4CLA repeater. Node Numbers & Station IDs Node Numbers […]

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A 2011 Club Team Event Click here to jump to the list of confirmed countries. Objective In a club / team effort for all operators, club members successfully worked to obtain (through LoTW) a DXCC certificate for the club call NF4GA during calendar year 2011. Process Club members should identity as best they can, DX stations that confirm via LoTW and work them using NF4GA on any band / any mode. Remember that you may only use YOUR PRIVILEGES as to band segments. Only stations you feel will use LoTW should be worked. Check https://nfarl.groups.io/g/main/files/DXCC-Current.png to see if a potential contact’s […]

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