Now that the Georgia QSO Party is behind us, our next event will be our 45th Birthday Celebration and US Islands One Day Getaway event on May 14. This will be at West Bank Park at Lake Lanier. This is a special operating event, listed in QST magazine. We will be operating under the club call sign, NF4GA. This will be a great opportunity to show off your portable gear and operating techniques and share information as well as operate and compare equipment. We’d love to see all our SOTA/POTA ops.

The 45th Anniversary Party will take place at West Bank Park on Lake Lanier. The map shows the park's approximate location.
This is not just an operating event. This is more importantly an opportunity for all of us to get together and put faces with names and just have a good time. Hopefully many will show up with their significant other. Also feel free to invite others and use this as a way to introduce your friends to Ham Radio, and the people involved. There will be Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and other treats for lunch. Our Chefs will be Dave, KO4USA and Edith, KN4NDV. Feel free to bring anything you’d like to share. We’d all like to try your specialty. Final plans are still underway but the date is certain. The Pavilion number is SL08203.
It would be nice to get a head count as close as possible so we know how much food to bring so we’ve created a sign up sheet to get an idea of attendance. You can click here to sign up.
We will have a couple radios and antennas set up, but we encourage people to bring their portable equipment to show off, share information and set up and use. There will not be a rigid operation schedule, it’s more about fun.
Setup will begin at around 7:00 AM with lunch around noon or whenever we get hungry. Come when you want as stay as long as you like. We’ll try to be out of there by dark.
If you have any questions or suggestions email me at
Steve KO4VW