This article focuses mostly on CW and N1MM logger since that’s what I mostly operate.
What is Telnet?
Telnet was developed in 1960 and is one of the first internet standardized utilities by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It was used extensively for mainframe and Unix system maintenance in the early days of computers by sending commands. Unfortunately, Telnet transmits all information including usernames and passwords in plain text, so security is a big concern. The utility is built into almost all DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems. The Telnet program is the standard used by many logging programs to display data from the cluster nodes.
Clusters and nodes
First implemented in the late 1980s, ‘DX’ Clusters are small receivers around the world that pick-up radio patterns and display detailed results. To get identified by these monitors you must send a repeatable pattern that the receivers can understand. For example: “CQ de WA3TRA” sent multiple times results in the registration of the transmission.
The picture below shows the Telnet setup utility in N1MM listing nodes and the response in a DOS Telnet session.
Notice the DOS report shows some nice details just like a logging program utility . Read further to learn how to use the Telnet utility in Windows 11 DOS.
Application in amateur radio
Almost all modern logging software packages include some form of Telnet communication. They overlay the Telnet utility with their own user interface and display. I use N1MM logger extensively for my CW work and logging. It provides a Telnet utility for monitoring which is a great resource for spotting opportunities. The picture above shows a N1MM Telnet connection to node w4dxa. The cluster report is a very nice collection of details such as: call sign, frequency signal strength and CW speed. Also, the call sign is configured into the N1MM software so when you click on the call sign, it will set the radio to the frequency and add the call sign to the log entry field. Any call sign highlighted in blue is available, if it’s grayed out, then you already have a log entry. The following programs have some sort of Telnet interface: HRD, DX Cluster, DX Commander, the list goes on...
How to get to the Telnet DOS utility in Windows 11
If you have a Windows computer, the utility is built in, it just needs enabled. Here’s how to work it on Windows 11:
In Windows 11, search for “Widows Features”. Scroll down to Telnet and check the box and click ok.
For this to work you will have to bring up a DOS prompt with administrator privileges.
Search for the command prompt, right click the command prompt words and click “Run as administrator”.
To run the utility, at the command prompt, enter telnet and the program will start.
If you need help with telnet commands, at the Telnet prompt enter “?/”.
We’ll practice connecting to my favorite spotting node
At the Telnet prompt enter the command “o” (o means open a connection)
You will be prompted for your call sign.
Once logged in the display will immediately start listing data non-stop.
Here is a sample.
This is a great test that is simple to try. Note: if you’re not going to continue testing with the utility, I suggest you uncheck the Telnet option in Windows.
That’s it for now 73s