March 2025

March 17, 2025; one fifth of the year has passed. A lot of activities are coming up in the next few weeks. These include:

  • A CPO Kit building exercise with the Kittredge Magnet School -March 27th
  • Georgia State Parks on the Air -April 5th & 6th
  • Sandy Springs Lantern Parade -April 5th
  • Georgia QSO Party -April 12th and April 13th

You can read about these in detail in the News and Updates section on the website. We hope you’ll find the time to attend or participate in one of these events!

One of our Operating Business Plan elements involves focus on Conducting Periodic Classes in Radio Science for those who are interested in obtaining or upgrading their amateur radio license.  Be on the lookout for a survey about who is interested in attending classes, the class type (e.g. online or in person, etc.), and what license level is of interest.  We are currently developing plans for a middle school/high school age summer camp, quarterly evening and or weekend classes and online class sessions.

ARRL Field Day 2025 will be held June 28-29th.  We’ve arranged to use Groveway Community Park with the City of Roswell for our 2025 Field Day event.  We are investigating options for procuring radios & station equipment for the Phone and GOTA stations.  If you’ve any thoughts regarding this, or other Field Day elements, please send an email to at your earliest convenience.

Earlier this month, a small group led by Wes Lamboley, W3WL, met to discuss the club membership database and related operating processes. This was undertaken to help us evaluate possible methods to improve the database content accuracy, improvements to tools and processes used to manage and apply information in the database to club operations, and understand information security needs. Our thanks to Dave Bisciotti, KO4USA, for agreeing to help with this work.  Please get a hold of Wes or Dave should you have any questions, thoughts or concerns with these efforts.

Speaking of the membership database, we encourage all members to go to the club website and review your membership information to ensure accuracy.  Please review your information at your earliest convenience before June 1, 2025.

73, Mike KN4OAK

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