Jan 2025
January is usually a busy month. This January is no exception. NFARL Club Members will receive the first of several surveys related to development of our club operating plan before February comes around. This survey will focus on what club members would like to see the Club offer regarding radio communications education and operating proficiency during the next 12 - 48 months. There will be follow up surveys asking for member input on the options that are decided upon based on the initial survey.
Our NFARL operating plan will return to focus on the purposes described in the restated club charter document. You can find the charter document by using this link: Charter. Article II in the charter contains the six purpose statements associated with our 501(c)(3) IRS classification and filing under the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. In late 2024, the NFARL Board of Directors agreed to use the six purpose statements as the framework for the club operating plan. The first plan element will be based on “purpose a) To educate and increase the proficiency of its members in the science of radio communication”.
While the NFARL Executive Committee could generate plans around select activities in this area, it makes more sense to gather input from Club members on what they want to do. So, that’s the purpose of the first survey. If you have points, ideas or topics you want to see included in this survey, please provide them to us ahead of time by sending an email to President@nfarl.org at your very earliest convenience. We’ve already begun the survey design but want to add any Club member input into it as well.
In addition to the planning and surveys, a special project team has identified and tested concepts for simplifying the capture of the Club meeting videos and posting them to the web. The team will be trying an expanded operational test during the January 2025 meeting while using the current Zoom video platform.
While we’re on the topic of new operating tools and systems, I’d like to extend my thanks to Roy Barbosa KQ4OYM, for his fantastic effort to get our new Google Workspace up and operating. Roy and several other Executive Team members have done a great job to set the platform up and enable us to begin use of it. Google provides selected 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with a corporate level Workspace to enable the organizations to effectively operate with state of the art software and communications tools. The Workspace, along with our current website , will help us improve our operation and Club member communication. More on this project will follow.
Feel free to contact me or any other Club Executive Team member with any feedback you may have.