Well, here we are approaching the final days of 2024. While this time of year historically is associated with religious and social festivities, it also serves as a time to pause and reflect on action plans, events and outcomes undertaken during the last year. If done pragmatically, the understanding of the outcomes can be used to assist development of sound plans for the upcoming future.
North Fulton Amateur Radio League collectively enjoyed some notable achievements in 2024. We had fun while exerting some effort, to conduct another successful ARRL Field Day event. We did well enough operationally to score at the top of our category. We even got the club equipment trailer washed beforehand! Daryl, K4RGK, led us through some successful ARISS contacts, and he found time to refresh the satellite trailer as well. Dave, KO4USA, provided guidance to enable the HamJam Team to conduct a successful event that provided fundraising which exceeded last year.
While these things are nice to recognize, there are so many more things we, as a club, might be able to do if we focus on a few basic and important fundamentals. The club Executive Committee has agreed to look into a long-term operating plan that uses the six elements of purpose stated in the club charter as a starting point to request input from the club membership on what opportunities we need to consider in addition to the traditional events and activities we are aware of. So, look to hear about upcoming surveys on ideas on activities and membership engagement in the coming weeks.
Before we call a finish to 2024, I’d like to thank everyone for your contributions to the club during the past year. Without your involvement it would have been a big challenge to do what was done while benefiting from the effort. Thank you.
73, Mike KN4OAK