It is November 2024, and there are a couple of things I’d like to make sure we communicate to the membership. First of all, I’d like to bring to the membership’s attention the 2024 Holiday Party. This year we will hold the party on Saturday evening, December 7, 2024. The event will take place at Preston Ridge Community Center. You’ll be receiving details shortly, but in the meantime, please add the event to your calendar!
Secondly, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the annual Club Officers election process. At our October 2024 club meeting, the Nominating Committee presented candidates. There were no additional candidates identified / presented at the meeting. The club membership in attendance agreed to a proposal from the floor to accept the candidates as presented by the Nominating Committee and affirm their election for the 2025 term in office.
The Club Officers elected for the 2025 term are:
- President– Mike Riley KN4OAK
- Vice-President– Lee Johnson N4WYE
- Secretary– Martha Muir W4MSA
- Treasurer– John Tramontanis N4TOL
- Membership Chairman– Wes Lamboley W3WL
The Nominating Committee was unable to identify anyone to serve as a candidate for the Activities Chairman position. Additionally, no one was named from the meeting floor for this position. As a result, the Nominating Committee recommended that a review of the club Bylaws pertaining to the Activities Chairman position be undertaken, with the proposed objective to eliminate the Activities Chairman position and move the responsibilities under a subcommittee of rolling members selected and chaired by the Vice-President.
There are several factors supporting the Nominating Committee’s proposal. The Activities Chairman and Vice-President roles have some common characteristics in regard to task and functional accountability and responsibilities. It makes sense to review these areas and simplify and or clarify the role descriptions to match current needs. Additionally, a broader level of membership participation in activity management and execution may be achieved through the engagement of more participants as members of the subcommittee. These factors will be explored during the next 60 days to either develop an appropriate revision to the Bylaws or recommend an appointment from the President for an Activities Chairman for the 2025 term, or hold a special election.
Presently the club Bylaws provide for a solution to the matter of an unfilled Activities Chairman role by providing for the appointment by the President if no one volunteers to serve as an elected officer. So, stay tuned for updates during November and December 2024.
73, Mike KN4OAK