NFARL Officer Elections
During October each year, North Fulton Amateur Radio League conducts elections to select the club Officers for the coming year. Elected positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Chairman, and Membership Chairman. A nominating committee is established annually to help select candidates for these roles. Club membership votes to elect the roles from the candidates during the October club meeting.
Why Vote?
North Fulton Amateur Radio League is a nonprofit organization registered in Georgia. By accessing these links you can read the Articles of Incorporation and club By-laws. These documents define the six specific purposes of the corporation and describe the organizational structure and operating processes deemed necessary to achieve them. The governing officers are elected by club members so that they may help the club function and achieve the goals and objectives associated with the six purposes.
Your Club
NFARL is your club. Club membership forms the integral core of the organization’s shareholders. You should vote to elect Officers willing and capable of helping the club membership deliver goals and objectives selected to satisfy the six fundamental purposes.
A means to Contribute
Voting is also one of a number of means by which club members can contribute to the functional operation of the club. Voting is a form of participation that demonstrates membership responsibility.
Our club Bylaws define the process used for electing club Officers in Section III of the document. This section includes requirements for position eligibility, along with the process steps associated with the election by club members. Additionally, Section III identifies the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, both of which form the core of the club’s leadership organization.
Officer, Director, and Executive Committee position responsibilities and duties are described in Section IV of the Bylaws. An important point in each position description notes “Such duties may include, but are not limited to the following:” before any specific list. You are invited to review the position and duties descriptions and recommend eligible members (including yourself, if appropriate) to the nominating committee as candidates. This is another opportunity for you to contribute to the club operations and success.
Nominating Committee
We are glad to have John Norris, AA4AN, serve as our 2024 NFARL Nominating Committee Chair. Mike Roden, K5JR, will serve on the committee along with John. You may offer candidate recommendations to John now by contacting him directly at with your information. I am working with other club members to gain their support to participate on the committee before the September club meeting.
I urge you to take a few minutes and review the Bylaws information on the election process and Officer duties and responsibilities. If you have candidate recommendations, please forward them to John so the Nominating Committee can include them in their review and preparation. This is a great opportunity for you to participate in the operation of a great Amateur Radio club.
73, Mike KN4OAK