US Islands One Day Getaway & Picnic 2024

NFARL Continues the Picnic Tradition

The U.S. Islands Awards Program is an amateur radio award program centered around chasing and activating river, lake, and ocean shore islands within the 50 United States and its Territories and Protectorates.

U.S. Islands is a great way to go on a mini-DXpedition without spending a lot of money. Discovering islands in your own backyard and setting up a station outdoors is always a good time. Every year USI conducts two
operating activities; their One-Day-Geta way(1DG) and their W/VE Island QSO Party.

As a club, NFARL participates in both of these events (we’ve got a connection via Terry Joiner, W4YBV...). The USI One-Day-Get a way event falls on the second weekend in May, and NFARL holds a picnic at the West
Bank Park, Lake Lanier, GA, in conjunction so we can participate.

Plan to join us! May 11, 2024 at shelter #SL08203, WEST BANK PARK, Lake Sydney Lanier, Cumming, GA.

We’ll arrive before 8AM (for setup) and leave at the end of the day.

There is a $5.00 USD fee per car for entry to the park. Besides food and radio operations there will be other activities to participate in: mini foxhunt, find the hidden ARPS beacon, show off your portable rig, etc.

NFARL will provide lunch hamburgers & hotdogs, buns and fixings. Bring a side dish to share.

Let us know if you plan to join us. Click here to sign up.

Please RSVP by May 8th, 2024 so we can plan accordingly ......

RSVPs will be rolling in -- click here to see who is going to be at the picnic.

Click below forMap to Pavillion at shelter #SL08203, WEST BANK PARK, Lake Sydney Lanier, Cumming, GA.


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