July NFARL program by Lee Johnson N4WYE
Purpose: The aim of this workshop is to get you operational with your NanoVNA so that you can optimize your existing antennas and make it easier to put up new ones with the confidence that they will perform as expected.
Materials required: As this workshop will be hands on showing the fundamental measurements that most of us use:
1 - Please bring your NanoVNA along with the calibration loads and cables.
2 - Also bring your 2m handheld whip as we will be using it for some of the steps.
If you do not have a NanoVNA, you can share with someone at the meeting. Better yet if you want to buy your own, I recommend the current and most popular NanoVNA H4 model which covers from 10kHz-1.5GHz. It is priced at $89.95 from a dealer such as R&L Electronics, that offers support. They have 140 in stock and quoted delivery in 3-4 days.
The workshop, combined with a large overhead screen, will go step by step through:
1 - Controls and user interface
2 - Calibration
3 - Typical measurements
4 - Operational Demo
5 - Measure 2M whip antenna
6 - Set up your NanoVNA
This will help you understand how to get the most out of your antennas!
See you there, Lee