Now that the GA QSO Party is over, what's next? It's our first major outing - the U S Islands One Day Getaway on Saturday May 11, 2024. Aside from Hungry Hams, this is an in-person event (outdoors) that's a world of fun. Bring your own radios and antennas to try out or just join in on the radios we will have set up. We set up in the large pavilion, so we have picnic tables and full cover. Electric power should be available. [For more about West Island's facility, photos of our One Day Getaway there in 2018 are available in our Photo Gallery.]
Mainly, this is a picnic party! NFARL will be serving Hamburgers and Hot dogs, chips and drinks. Everyone is welcome and getting on the radio isn't even required! We need to get a good idea of attendance so PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND FOR LUNCH. Lunch will be served from about 11:AM to 2:00 PM. Of course, guests and family are welcome. Just give me the count.
Islanders will be trying to set up beginning about 7:00 or 7:30AM. Activities will run all day, but stay as long or as little as you like.
The park is located right off Hwy 20, right at the dam. Just Google it for a map. [West Island is now known as West Bank Park on Google Maps.] Expect to pay a $5 per car entry fee as you enter the park. Questions - contact Steve Randall, KO4VW at Also go to the US Islands website,
Steve Randall
NFARL Activities Chair