2024 GA State POTA Event

NFARL will compete against other Georgia clubs in the 2024 Georgia State Parks on the Air event, April 6 & 7, 2024. Click here for more information about the event. Additional information about POTA is also available on our POTA SOTA Central web page located at


For the past few years, the Colquitt County ARS has sponsored a friendly Parks on the Air competition between ham radio clubs. In 2023, that event is expanded to a state-wide activity.  It was a fun event where NFARL put together a few hams and did well up against other clubs.  The organizers received great response from participants.  So positive, that the rules were adjusted and the event duration expanded to a two-day format as well.

In 2024 the event will be held on the first weekend in April.  The contest period runs from 8:00am EDT, April 6, 2024, through 7:59pm EDT, April 7, 2024 (i.e., 1200 UTC, April 6, to 2359 UTC, April 7).  North Fulton Amateur Radio League will be running as a club entry, using the K4JJ call sign.  We will also operate from several different listed parks during the event.  In order that Q’s and logging can be accomplished, we will require operators using the K4JJ call to obtain a TAC Suffix when they sign up on the club roster (link below).

There’s no requirement that all operators be within the same POTA reference area. To increase the number of POTA reference areas activated, any listed Georgia State Park location would be fine.  If you’re going to operate using K4JJ but at a park other than the K4JJ “Scheduled Activation” site, please let Richard, N1RBD, know so we can manage the club registration.

Key operator roles are Activator and Hunter. Activator: An activator is a licensed amateur radio operator in a park on POTA’s designated list and contacts other licensed amateurs.  Hunter: A hunter is any other licensed amateur radio operator who contacts an activator at a park. The term “chaser” is sometimes synonymously used.

So if you aren’t able to be an Activator, try the Hunter role!  You can do this from a park or from home. You can also get QSO credit as a Hunter through the Activator logs.

If you have been interested in learning more about POTA, this is a great opportunity to participate in an activation. If you’re already into the POTA fun, this is a great opportunity to contribute your skills to a NFARL activity and show others the ropes. In any case, we hope you’ll sign up.

Sign Up Here

Use this link for Rules the GA State Parks on the Air Rules / Forms and individual (non-NFARL) registration

Further Information

Further information is available from Richard N1RBD ( and Mike KN4OAK (  You may also download the NFARL Helpful Hints document here.

NFARL GA State POTA Helpful Hints

  • The contest period runs from 8:00am EDT, April 6, 2024, through 7:59pm EDT, April 7, 2024 (i.e., 1200 UTC, April 6, to 2359 UTC, April 7).
  • All normal POTA rules apply.
  • All modes are available for use.
  • All bands are valid except for WARC. This includes 2m/440 as well as microwave
    • WARC bands are 12/17/30/60m
  • AMSat contacts are valid.
  • You may only operate from the designated parks elligble for the State Parks event.
    ⦁ You may stay at one park or rove between multiple parks.
  • Use your personal POTA account to spot yourself under the K4JJ callsign
    • If you do not have a personal POTA account, please sign up for one before the event
  • Use the appropriate tactical suffix when spotting for all modes.
    • DO NOT use your TAC suffix on the air to call CQ when operating PHONE/SSB.
    • When operating FT4/8, change the callsign in the configuration to K4JJ/xx where xx is your assigned TAC suffix
    • When operating CW, be sure to call CQ as “CQ POTA K4JJ/xx” where xx is your assigned TAC suffix.
    • POTA spots will get overwritten by FT4/8 and CW RBN spots if the appropriate TAC ID is not used when calling CQ using these modes.
    • Regardless of your assigned TAC suffix, use the callsign K4JJ as the STATION value in your log
    • To ensure that the operator (you!) gets credit for the activations(s), P2P contacts, etc be sure to use your personal callsign in the OPERATOR field.
      • Be sure to change the OPERATOR value if there are multiple ops taking turns using the same logger.
    • All logs should be emailed to within 7 days of the event completion for scrubbing and verification.
    • Logs will be uploaded to POTA and the sprint contest by the NFARL POTA administrator (Richard – N1RBD) within two weeks of event completion.

    GA State POTA FAQ and elligible park list

    GA State POTA Rules

  • If you have any questions regarding logging, please contact Richard at or ask one of your fellow NFARL POTA gurus for assistance.

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