
HamCram PhotoHam Cram is a guided self-study course followed by a class or classes that teach everything needed to earn or upgrade an FCC radio amateur license.  We offer Hamcram sessions designed to enable you to earn your first license (technician) or upgrade your technician license to a general license.

Our Technician HamCram training regimen includes self-study course preparation materials, fine-tuning your learning with a day in our classroom, followed by testing at our in-house test session the same day.

Our General HamCram training regimen is similar to the Technician training approach except that there will be multiple meetings to review materials and fine tune your knowledge.  VE testing takes place at the last class meeting.

We do not have any 2022 classes planned yet. However we do try and promote classes offered by other organizations in our calendar and in the "Upcoming Activities" section of our web site home page.

Self Paced Technician Exam Study

In addition to periodic HamCram sessions, NFARL now offers this exciting way for you to study for your Technician class license.

There are four parts to getting your license but the key is to let us help by assigning a mentor (Elmer) from our club to guide you in your study. You proceed at your own pace - getting a license in 4 weeks to 4 months - it's up to you. To view how this works, click here. It will take about 10 hours or study - more or less. Good luck. Questions? elmer@nfarl.org

Updated 5/12/2022 by K4YJJ

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