100+ Things To Do in Ham Radio

Have fun with Ham Radio doing these things

Action or Activity Comment
2M SSB or CW Working the "weak signal" bands can be fun!
6M - what a great band! Operate the "magic" band on SSB or FM
10M - This band can really jump Join 10-10 international and KEEP THE BAND OPEN!
75 Meter Roundtables Sometime called the groan and moan nets!
160M – Get on the band The Gentleman's Band – May need a different antenna
AM - Operate this "old time" mode Join the AM net each Wednesday
AMSAT - Join and work the universe Operate one of the amateur satelites like AO-51
APRS - find yourself And let others know where you are!
ARES - Help your NF ARES group Find your local ARES group and start having fun with them. Pass the IS courses.
ARES nets Check into NF ARES nets and surrounding counties
ARRL Join! Support your hobby with lobbying in Washington. Who else is?
Air Mobile Work from an airborne station
Antenna Party Friends don't let friends build and install HF antennas by themselves!
Antennas - Build'em and use'em Wire antennas, Yagis, quads, hex beams, - then argue about'em
Astronomy - Radio version Looking for signals in all the wrong places
Audio - make it better Heil, Berringer, audio filters, all things audio
Badge - tell everyone your callsign Order your club badge today on the NFARL website/MART
Balloonatics Hams who put expensive transmitters in balloons and watch them fly away!
Bicycle Mobile Talk while riding - look ma - no hands; look ma - no teeth!
Boatanchors Collect and operate old radios. Restore old radios.  Cheap fun?
Books - read one - write one Hundreds of books - new - old - used - collecting
CW - Learn it! You only know half the fun of ham radio w/o CW
CW - get your speed to 20 wpm Get your speed up using RUFZ – see the CW SIG page
Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship (CARF) Join your friends on the air
Civil Air Patrol Do the radio work for CAP
Class – teach a Ham Cram Teach a ham class and help others enjoy the fun
Club meetings Don't even get on the air, just attend club meetings - FUN!!
Club - .Join/renew! NFARL A more genearl term - join a ham club! OR join 2 or 3 clubs. More clubs, more fun!
Computer Control Computer control one or more rigs in your shack - Ham Radio Deluxe
Contesting Make a lot of contacts and work on your operating skills at the same time.
County Hunting Work 500, 1000 ... and all 3077 of them.
Crystal Radio - build one Show how simple a radio can be
DSTAR Get on the digital bandwagon! It's everywhere, it's everywhere! Use a dongle from your computer
DX - Work other countries DX The Ultimate Contact Sport – There are 337 country entities so this should keep you busy!
DXpedition Pack it up and hit the road to that small island!
Dayton Hamvention Attend this once in your lifetime, bet you can't "eat just one"!
Digital modes Work one or many of the various FREE digital modes available for download such as FLDIGI!
Echolink - computer and ham radio Work repeaters/other hams via your computer
Power Poles Convert all rigs to PowerPole connectors
EmComm - ANTENNA You never know when you'll need to go PORTABLE so build a portable antenna. J-pole is a good one.
EmComm - ARRLcourses Consider the EC001 and possibly EC002 & EC003 courses. They're fun and you learn a bunch.
Field Day Operate this fun event with your friends.  Join the award winning NFARL FD team.
Fox Hunting Tie amateur radio into physical exercise
Friends Meet interesting people and make new friends
Grounding Build an uber ground, find a water pipe, install a ground rod, lay some radials
Hamfest Attend a hamfest - sell that old junk, buy more! Work at the NFARL table for at least one hour!
Handi- HAMS Help a challenged person get their license
IOTA Islands on the AIR - every group of islands has an ID - work'em all!
Keys - Collect them What a great way to enjoy ham radio - telegraph keys
Kit - Build some At least an $8 crystal oscillator or an SW-40 transceiver
Linear Amps Build'em, tune'em, don't get shocked
Linux - another computer world Download a Linux system for a computer and start playing with all the FREE software out there.
Logging Software Get some. I like N3FJP. N1MM is FREE. Using this rekindled my fire for Ham Radio.
MARS Military Affilate Radio - join up, serve your armed forces
Magazines - subscribe, Read, collect, give'em away - copy to CDs
Marine Mobile Work from a Marine station, boating, waterways nets
Meteor Scatter World's shortest and longest QSOs at the same time
Mobile - radio in motion Set up a mobile station - VHF or HF
Moonbounce OK, maybe a bit ambitious
Motorcycle Mobile Shoot the bull while ridin' the HOG!  See Bicycle Mobile.
Nets Check in before you check out!!
Ocilloscope - Learn to use Oscilloscopes are a blast. Watch that green trace go!
PSK-31 - Digital mode for all! An easy digital mode
Pedestrian mobile Got an HT? Have a QSO walking around.
Public service Work a public service event (I believe every ham should work at least one each year!)
QRP - Try it! Start trying QRP by turning down power to 5 w (10w SSB)
QSL cards Collect'em, get some printed, mail out some.
RACES ... as in Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
RTTY An ancient form of digital communications
Radio Control Planes Fly away to your heart's content
Ragchew Be much more active on the NFARL repeater; regularly check into nets.  Join RagChewers Club
Remote Control your station Operate your station over the internet
Repair Radio Equipment Help out other hams, fix their radios and yours too
Repeaters Build'em, use'em, fix'em, control'em
SHF - Work your neighbor Work a contact on CW, SSB, digital above 440 MHz
SSTV Operate Slow Scan TV.  Several nets meet daily.
Satellite-Antennas Build a couple of antennas and put radio gear together so you can work the ham satellites.
Scanning OK, it's only half radio but hams do it so it must be fun!
Schools - do a demo Go to your kid's school and tell'em all about this stuff
Scouting (and ham radio) Go hand in hand - Jamboree on the AIR!
Shack Simplification See if you can get every rig in your shack down to one microphone and one PTT switch
Shack setup Set up a shack (might need some help with an antenna raising party!)
Short Wave Radio Listen to SW Radio from your favorite country. Follow New Years around the globe for 24 hours?
Simulated Emergency Test The old S.E.T. - readiness - be prepared … See ARES
Skywarn Watch the weather = tell the National Weather Service
Software - Ham Radio There are thousands of programs out there and they are fun to play with.
Software - program a chip Write software to control a micro chip
Software Defined Receiver Build or set up a software defined receiver or transceiver
Space Station Talk to the ISS - chat up an astronaut
Tech FEST - attend Not a hamfest, a TECH FEST!
Television - FSTV Fast Scan TV - on 440 mhz - set up your station and show off!
Test Equipment Make a list and buy or make yours
Traffic NETS Try handling messages via SSB (75M) or CW(80M)
Upgrade your license -General Ticket Or upgrade from whatever class you are, even to EXTRA class.
VUCC - Award Get this award for working 100 grid squares on 6M and above
Vanity Callsign - get one Are you a general or extra class? Well, maybe you should look into a 1x3 or 2x2 callsign,
Volunteer Examiner (VE) - become one Help grow the hobby by qualifying more hams!
Website - amateur radio Set up your own URL and tell everyone what you do
Workbench - Set yours up A place to do all that "fiddling around"
Worked All States - W.A.S. Obtain this and a thousand other awards
Write - articles about ham radio Submit to magazines, become famous
YLs - Young Ladies (YLRL) Promote YL activity, recruit YLs, encourage YLs.
Youth - be one - help one Help your neighbor become a ham.  Loan him/her a radio

Reviewed 2/11/13 by W4QO
Posted in Article.