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©North Fulton
Radio League
1990 - 2019

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Wanna be a ham?

The North Fulton Amateur Radio League is ready to help you become an amateur radio operator.

Self-Paced Technician Exam Study

In addition to periodic HamCram sessions, NFARL now offers a self-paced approach to studying for your Technician class license.

There are four parts to getting your license but the key is to let us help by assigning a mentor (Elmer) from our club to guide you in your study. You proceed at your own pace - getting a license in 4 weeks to 4 months - it's up to you. To view how this works, click here. It will take about 10 hours or study - more or less. Good luck. Questions?

Are you ready to get started?

While you are getting started, if you have a radio or scanner:

Odds are there's a ham operator in your neighborhood who would be happy to help you get started.  Here's a web page that shows a map of ham operators in your zip code.  Click on "N4MC's Ham Locator" on the left side of the screen.

What does it cost?

Where can I find more information about ham radio?

Updated 3/19/2019 by Jim W4QO