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©North Fulton
Radio League
1990 - 2019

Contact our Webmaster




This net meets every Monday evening at 8:30 p.m. local time on the 145.47 - (600k) with 100 Hz tone machine.

The purpose of this net is to provide a forum for an open Q & A technical discussion of all Ham Radio related topics.  Pose your questions on the net (or send them to Jim at beforehand) and others on the net will strive to answer them.

Participants use Google and a chat room during the net to search for information related to topics being discussed, document findings, and send URL links back and forth. Here's how to get set up to participate in the net:

Check in when the net opens by saying your name, call-sign, and location.

Please join this exciting net each week.

YL Net on Echolink

Hello ladies! We'd like to invite all YLs around the world to join us on the YL Op Net that takes place every Thursday evening at 8pm Eastern Time (UTC Time Friday 0000 Summer/0100 Winter).

This net started back in October of 2014 and currently about 18 to 25 YLs check in each week from all over the world including the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and Japan. We'd love for you to be a part of it and please invite all YLs that you know to join us too!

Net Control Stations include Catherine AC4YL and Melanie AG4YL.

Here's how to participate in the net:

  1. If in the footprint of the NF4GA repeater, tune your radio to 145.47 - (600k) with 100 Hz tone.

    From EchoLink, connect to the ALARA Conference.
  2. When we ask for check-ins, please give us your name, call-sign, and location. Remember to allow a pause between transmissions to allow connected stations to reset.
  3. If you have access to the web join us in the NFARL chat room at and sign in by entering your callsign-your name (i.e. AC4YL-Catherine)

The YL Op Net also has a Facebook group, as well as a YouTube channel!

We'd like to thank the North Fulton Amateur Radio League for the use of the DoDropIn Chatroom, ALARA for the use of the ALARA Echolink Conference Server, and all who link in and listen!

I look forward to hearing you on the net!

33 de Catherine AC4YL

NFARL Executive Team
Catherine AC4YL
Last updated January 11, 2019