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NFARL is sponsoring an award for making 10 CW contacts.

This may not seem like much to those who have worked CW over the years or who work CW contests, but for those who gave up on CW long ago or are new to CW, this will be an initial milestone toward getting on with a life of CW and all the possibilities it offers.

The rules are simple:

  1. If you learned the code after January 1, 2009, make 10 CW QSOs and qualify.
  2. If you learned the code many years ago but have made only a few CW contacts prior to January 1, 2009 and none within the past 3 years, then make 10 CW QSOs and qualify.
  3. You may use any means you so choose to assist you — software, tape recorder, friend, etc.  You must however, attempt to do some of the work by ear, live while on the air.
  4. Any band, including VHF/UHF-FM is acceptable.
  5. Contacts for this award must be made after Jan. 1, 2009.

No QSLs are required — simply make a "log book" style report showing all ten contacts and submit it to  Certificates will be presented at an upcoming club meeting unless you are unable to attend regular NFARL meetings.

Code 10 means "FIGHT IN PROGRESS" ... so keep on fight'in to get your 10 CW contacts and earn your CODE 10 award!

Code 10 certificates have been earned by:

  1. Chris, WA4YG
  2. Dave, KD4ICT
  3. Chuck, AE4CW
  4. Ian, KM4IK
  5. Bob, AK4O
  6. David, NY3T
  7. Chris, K4FH
  8. Bill, W4CUX (sk)
  9. Mark, K4PGR (sk)
  10. Matt, AJ4NT
  11. Christian, AK4VV
  12. Jacob, KJ4VWL (10 years old)
  13. Bob, KI4SBL
  14. Sam, KK4WPI

Jim W4QO
Last updated September 5, 2014