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Field Day Bulletin #9

Four Days and Counting!!!

June 24, 2008

We're down to the wire on Field Day.  In less than four days, we meet at the Waller Park Extension to start the fun and excitement that is Field Day 2008.

As the magic hour draws near, there are still a few minor details left to cover.  So here we go...


Thank you to everyone who RSVPed for dinner Saturday and breakfast Sunday.  If you haven't RSVPed for either or both meals, please email Lynn Kahn, KJ4DYH at  Remember, RSVPs are due by the end of the day Wednesday, June 25.  We must have your RSVP if you plan to eat with us.  Also, if you still want to help out with food, but aren't sure what to bring or what is needed, please contact either Lynn or Shelia Staton, our food captain, at  Thank you in advance.

Operating Stations

It is still not too late to sign up for an operating position.  Check out the operating schedule on the club web site to see what this year's operating slots are.  Don't worry if there are already people in the time slot you want or are available to work.  We'll get you on a station.

If you are working 40m phone or the GOTA station, you might want to bring a stadium chair or cushion of some kind.  Those stations will be set up under the picnic shelter.  The tables are all metal, and the benches have a kind of woven pattern that can get uncomfortable after sitting for an extended period of time.

Thank yous go out to Walt Woron, KJ4HE, and Don Hinds, N8DWH, for volunteering to copy the W1AW bulletin for us this year.


That's all for now.  See everyone Saturday.


Ian, AK4IK