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Radio League
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Field Day Bulletin #5

June 11, 2008

Media Information

The information is pouring out, and confirmations are pouring in!  The following media outlets have confirmed, either in writing or by phone, that they will run our Field Day PSA:

These stations provide significant coverage of the metro Atlanta area, so we should get good results from this.  I'm also still working with several print media outlets (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Appen Newspapers (the different Neighbors newspapers), etc.) to get the PSA and full press release run.  We'd also like to have reporters join us at Field Day and cover the event for us.  If you have any contacts at any of the local media outlets, please let me know, and let them know what's going on as well.

Elected Official Appearances

Also, two local elected officials' offices contacted me over the last two days.  I've got one elected official nearly confirmed and another definitely interested and checking calendars.  I'm trying to schedule them to come by around 6:00 PM and have dinner with us, as well as operate a few QSOs.  Things are definitely looking good for elected officials' appearances.  Please stay tuned for more information as this situation develops!

Operating Schedule

We've got many of you signed up to work various shifts during Field Day.  Thank you to everyone who already signed up for one or more time slots.  However, we've still got plenty of slots available!  We still need you!  Please sign up for one or more slots by sending Steve or me an email.  If you are eligible to operate the GOTA station, please be aware that you are not precluded from working other stations.  In fact, you are encouraged to operate a GOTA station and one of the other operating positions.  The schedule is updated and posted to on a regular basis, so please keep checking back.

Youth Operations

There are 100 points available for youth participation.  If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc., under the age of 18, please bring them to Field Day.  We'll put them on the air and let them get bitten by the bug, just like we all were!

We're also looking to invite one or two Boy Scout troops to join us this year and work on their radio merit badge (and maybe become hams themselves).  If any of you have sons, nephews, grandchildren, neighbors, etc., who are in the scouts in the North Fulton area, please let me know.  Also, if you could help with either an introduction or invitation to the scout master of their troop, that would be outstanding.

Educational Activity

We pick up 100 bonus points for providing some type of specific educational activity during our Field Day operations.  This can be a 15-minute introduction to ham radio or a 45-minute presentation on antennas.  The size and duration of the activity don't matter.  What is important is that we have some type of educational activity at Field Day.  If you'd like to put something together, please let either Steve or myself know.  This is 100 points we can pick up easily in just a few minutes' time.

Informational Meeting(s)

Of course, Steve and I will provide an update at the club meeting next Tuesday, 17 June.  However, we'll also hold a meeting at Waller Park Extension, 160 Dobbs Drive, Roswell, 30075, on Sunday, 22 June.  We'll announce the time at next week's club meeting [3:00 PM].  The purpose of the meeting at the park is to go over our setup plans and make any last-minute adjustments to station and/or antenna locations.


That's all for now.  Please stay tuned to the reflector and the web site, as more information will be coming soon.


Ian, AK4IK