Holiday Party

Holiday Party

Club members and guests gathered on December 10th at Alpharetta's Preston Ridge Community Center on Preston Ridge Road for our 2021 Holiday Party. Turnout was good and the food and program were excellent.

The affair was organized by President John Norris N4IHV and Activities Chairman Mike KN4OAK. The room was fit for royalty!! Poinsettia table decorations contributed to the decor and were made by Sandra Johnson; Cathy Moore and Lee Norris helped set up the room.

After our meal, NFARL President John N4IHV and Tim WK4U summarized the past year and presented awards and prizes.

Tim handled awarding of prizes with his usual flair. Winners included Jim KJ4QVT (Buddipole Buddistick PRO portable HF antenna), Steve KO4VW (Ham Radio Deluxe software package), Mo KO4SIY (brand new ham! - Diamond MR77 dual band mag mount antenna) and Cathy Moore ($100 door prize).

John N4IHV announced that the 2021 Ham of the Year Award winner was Steve Randall KO4VW. Steve is a relatively new ham (he joined NFARL in 2020), and over the past 15 months stepped up and took on many roles for us, including being a member of our volunteer examiner team, being our NFARL Activities Chairperson and hosting our TechNet Monday night gatherings. Congratulations Steve and thanks for your service!!

Enjoy the party photos!