Field Day - 2019

Field Day - 2019

North Fulton Amateur Radio League members and guests gathered at Groveway Park in Roswell GA over the weekend of June 22nd & 23rd to participate in our annual Field Day exercise. This album contains our photo record of the event and activities leading up to the event.

Thanks to all who provided these great photos of our Field Day: Steve Mays, KS4KJ; Mike Roden, W5JR; Martha Muir, W4MSA; Greg Gilbert, KN4APC; NFARES; Warren Merkel, KD4Z; Jon Currey, KN4TCI and Bill Cobb, K4YJJ.

If you have photos you would like to add, send them to or call Bill K4YJJ at 678-634-7274 to discuss other delivery options.