HamJam 2018

HamJam 2018

HamJam 2018 took place on Saturday, November 10th at Mill Springs Academy in Alpharetta GA. Approximately 200 hams attended the event. This year's speakers included Rick Boulis, N4HU and Tom Harrell, N4XP who spoke on their roles in the 2018 Baker Island DXpedition; Dale Parfitt, W4OP who spoke on Microwave Earth-Moon-Earth Communications; and Jeri Ellsworth, AI6TK who talked on "My Life in a High Tech World".

Thanks to our speakers and sponsors for supporting HamJam and our Youth programs.

More information about our speakers, our many sponsors and the event is available at www.hamjam.info.

We hope to see you at HamJam 2019!!