HamJam 2015

HamJam 2015

HamJam 2015 took place on Saturday, November 14th at the Metropolitan Club in Alpharetta GA. Over 200 hams joined us at NFARL's flagship event. Pretty much everything went off without a hitch, we had three GREAT speakers, and the prizes were the richest and best I have seen at an Amateur Radio event.

This year's speakers were Mike Corey KI1U of ARRL, Jamie Dupree NS3T of Cox Broadcasting, and Glen Popiel KW5GP, author of ARRL’s “Arduino for Ham Radio”. We send them a great big "thank you" for working our event into their busy schedules, and for their great presentations.

Click here to learn more about HamJam.

See you at HamJam 2016!!

Photos by Bill Hampton, W4OO and Bill Cobb K4YJJ.