Enriching Your STEM Curriculum with Ham Radio

Enriching Your STEM Curriculum with Ham Radio

If we get science teachers interested in adding aspects of ham radio to their classes at the Atlanta Science Festival Exploration Expo, what do they do next? How can NFARL help these curious teachers do that? Hold a workshop.

On Saturday, May 3rd, members of NFARL met with public school teachers, mainly from Fulton County schools, for a day long series of sessions to show them why and how to incorporate a variety of ham radio concepts into their classes. The workshop was held at Mill Springs Academy. Chuck Catledge, AE4CW, organized the program and also presented “Electricity is Magnetic,” a session showing the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Jim Stafford, W4QO, followed that with “What Makes Radios Tick?,” an introduction to the basic concepts and components of radios and antennas. Wes Lamboley, W3WL, presented a marvelous session entitled “Ham Radio = Science,” which correlated the Georgia Performance Standards, the state curriculum requirements for science classes, to ham radio.

Here are photos from the event.

Article and photos by Martha Muir W4MSA.