Photos from our August 19, 2014 meeting at Alpharetta Adult Activity Center
Our ARES welcoming committee: Joe WD4FGB, Mike AD4MC, and Mike KK4GYS.
Ken WB6LPY and Jim W4QO
I tried to catch "Jim" in W4QO's electronic name badge but was not quick enough.
Keith K4KRX and Marian K4QIK chat with Wes W3WL
EC Mike K4LJG. Mike recently took over the EC role from our long-time EC Tom W4UOC.
Activities Chairman John N4TOL reviews our upcoming activities.
Chuck AE4CW presents our activities with regard to HR 4969, The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014, and asks members to communicate their support of the legislation to their congresional representative.
ARES Liaison Jim N4SEC
President Neil N4FN presented tonight's program "The Art of QSLing and Using LOTW". Great job Neil!
John N4TOL thanks Neil for his presentation.
Thanks Neil -- good job!
Mike W5JR reviewed the Fox Hunt that took place before the meeting, and discussed the Fox Hunt that will take place this coming Saturday, August 23rd, at Alpharetta Adult Activity Center.