Club members gathered in Alpharetta on April 15th, 2014.
Joe N7QPP greets past member Bob AK4O. We haven't seen as much of Bob since he moved to Tampa and it was good to see him at the meeting.
eNews Editor Jim W4JDS and Martha W4MSA. Martha is the sparkplug behind our programs at Mill Springs Academy.
John N4TOL, Activities Chairman, briefs attendees on our extensive list of upcoming activities. For more information, check our web site at
Pavel AC4PA and Mike K4LJG passed the code test during our recent Morse Code Class, and received updated copies of their License with the code endorsement from class instructor Jim W4QO. Congratulations Pavel and Mike, and thanks Jim for putting on the class!!
Jim W4QO, Pavel AC4PA and Mike K4LJG
Steve Henke W9SH presented a very interesting program on "Open Source Software for Ham Radio".
Several in the audience were able to receive Steve's comments broadcast from his laptop and communicated to our repeater over the internet via VOIP.
NFARL Vice President and Program Chairman Walt Woron gave Steve our thanks for the informative presentation. Thanks again, Steve!