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Georgia QSO Party

Georgia QSO Party Logo

Breaking News on the GQP - it is now a one day event!!!

Quote from the GQP adminstrators: " Based on the travel restrictions in Georgia and the importance of rover operations in the GQP, the decision has been made by the GQP leadership to shorten the 2020 QSO Party to a one day event. It will be held on Saturday April 11th, 2020 from 1600-0400z, Due to travel restrictions within Georgia, mobile operations will not be allowed. Multi-Op operations will only be allowed if remote operation technology is used that will allow social distancing or if the operation takes place from a shared family station."

The club's goals are to have a large group of members participate in the contest, and represent the hams in the state of Georgia favorably to the amateur radio community throughout the U.S. and the DX world.

The most important goal for the weekend is to have FUN and operate in the contest at your station, or operate with others at a shared station. This is your chance to "be the DX." It is a real opportunity to practice "running," calling CQ and letting them come to you.

GA QSO Party Certificate

Contest details -- including results formats and deadlines -- are available at

John N4TOL has created a nifty "GQP Basics" document that is a great primer on the GQP and how to participate.  Check it out here.

NFARL Internal Results Submission Form

Club members, please submit results to John N4TOL at his club email address-- -- on the Excel spreadsheet at the link below:

Results should be sent to John by May 1, 2020.

GQP Results Submission Form

The Internal Results Submission Form described in the previous section is for internal club scorekeeping only -- results contained in it will NOT be sent to the GQP log manager.  In addition to sending your results to NFARL, submit your entire log in Cabrillo format to the Georgia QSO Party; submission instructions are available at

When creating your Cabrillo transmission file, be sure to enter "North Fulton Amateur Radio League" as your club so that your points will be attributed to NFARL's point count for club competition.

The 2020 NFARL GQP Team

We encourage all NFARL members and friends to participate in the Georgia QSO Party.

This is your chance to "be the DX." It is a real opportunity to practice "running," calling CQ and letting other stations come to you. It is also a chance to test your station's effectiveness under contest conditions and help to improve your contest abilities as an operator.

We would like to ask all NFARL members and friends who will operate in the Georgia QSO Party to submit your name and call sign to John N4TOL.  This way we can track and listen for the familiar calls in the contest, and also for the NFARL awards program.

To be added to the NFARL GQP Team, please e-mail your name and call to John N4TOL.

Last updated April 2, 2020