Field Day Bulletin #7
June 22, 2010
96 Hours and Counting
Here we are, less than 96 hours away from Field Day 2010! The stations are put together (I hope!), people are signing up to operate and come to the picnic (I double-hope), and we're all hoping the weather forecast calling for a chance of rain is wrong.
If you haven’t already signed up to operate during Field Day, please contact a station captain and do so. You are GOTA-eligible if you were first licensed after June 28, 2009 (it doesn’t matter what your current license class is) or have not worked any HF in the last three years. If you are GOTA-eligible, I encourage you to contact Wes Lamboley (W3WL, and sign up for a slot. Wes also needs Elmers to help out with the GOTA station. If you can spare an hour to mentor new hams, please do so. Remember, Elmering is a big part of what makes this hobby so great. Once you work some airtime on the GOTA station, please go operate one of the other stations we’ll have operating. We’ll have a 20/75m station run by Chuck Catledge ( and Steve Mays (, a 40/15m station run by John Kludt ( and Joe Camilli (, a V/UHF station run by David Moore ( and a CW station run by Mike Roden ( and Bob Carroll ( If you are not GOTA eligible, please sign up to work one of the available stations. The operating schedule is posted at Contact one of the captains and volunteer your time.
One of the big events at Field Day is our annual club picnic. The club provides the hamburgers, hot dogs, barbecue, and drinks. We ask that club members please provide sides and desserts. We extended the deadline to RSVP to Wednesday, June 23. Please send your RSVP and what you’ll bring to Lynn Kahn, KJ4DYH, at The picnic is a great opportunity to come relax, enjoy some good food, and get to know your fellow club members a bit better.
Last year we set a club (and possibly a national) record of 259 attendees at Field Day. This year, we want to beat that record. When you come to Field Day, please bring as many people as you can with you. Bring your spouse, kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, their friends, neighbors, their kids, your boss and co-workers, etc. Even if people don’t have an interest in ham radio and electronics (perish the thought!), we want to introduce them to what we do for the community and how we do it. Everyone should know how the message still gets out when the land lines are down, cell towers are either jammed or out, and there is no Internet service. Part of our job is educating the public, and Field Day is our big chance to do so.
So come out and join us this weekend at Waller Park Extension! It will be a lot of fun and you stand a good chance of learning something new in the process. Set up will begin at the park at 8:00 AM Saturday, June 26. Several of us meet for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Southern Skillet on Atlanta Road (also known as Highway 9) in Roswell, not far from the park. Then we go put up antennas, tents, trailers, and stations. If you’re available early, come join us for breakfast and setup. If you ‘re available later, come later. Whenever you come, please come and support the club. If you have any questions, you can email me at
See you at Field Day!
Thanks and 73,
Ian, AK4IK
2010 Field Day Chairman